20 years of marriage is a wonderful milestone to reach for any couple. Traditionally considered the China Wedding Anniversary, in recent times it’s known as the Platinum Wedding Anniversary.
Whether it’s your own 20th wedding anniversary or that of a couple close to you, a platinum wedding anniversary is certainly cause for celebration. Mark the day with a truly unique 20th wedding anniversary gift.
A great option is our Newspaper Book Anniversary Gift. Present your partner or a special couple with a beautifully bound edition of the newspaper from their wedding day, with the couple’s names embossed in gold on the cover. A fascinating gift to receive, it brings the reader back to the events of that day, showing a snapshot of the world at that moment.
Another favourite 20th wedding anniversary gift is our Framed Newspaper Front Page. Choose from a wide range of national and regional newspapers to present your loved one with the framed newspaper front page from their wedding day.
Displaying the most notable news events from that memorable day, the Framed Newspaper Page makes a fantastic platinum wedding anniversary gift and can be personalised with a message printed above the masthead.
Framed Newspaper Page